SuperStraBra Vivicittà
15 April 2018
Postato il 26 March 2018
15 April 2018
Postato il 26 March 2018
Ttraditional walk (or race) organized by the territorial committee Uisp of Bra. The meeting is at 8 in Piazza Caduti per la libertà. At 10 o’clock the non-agonistic race starts followed by othe 7.9 km walk open to all, family and kids. From town center the walk continues along an extra-urban route in the hills outside the city. The arrival is scheduled around 12 and then the traditional pasta party will start. The sale of tickets for race numbers (at a cost of 3 euros each) will be shared between Sports Associations and Volunteers, Schools, in support of their projects. Each ticket entitles you to participate in the prize draw and shopping voucher. Mire info at 0172 431507.