Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibition
6-28 April 2019
Postato il 29 March 2019

6-28 April 2019
Postato il 29 March 2019
“Future arrives on time”: that’s the title of the new Exhibition at palazzo Mathis form 6th to 28th April 2019. 500 yeras after the death of the genius Leonardo Da Vinci (famour painter, sculptor, musician, inventor and engieneer), the eshibition shows some models of the innovative machinery designed by Leonardo. The visitors colud also see some of the books “translated” by one of the most researcher of Leonardos’ work, the braidese Giovanni Piumati. Thanks to multimedia and interactive display, it will be possible “leag through” the pages of the Codice Atlantico and Manuale di Anatomia. uto che, ancora oggi, non ha pari nel campo degli studi leonardeschi”. The exhibition is open (free entrance) on Thursay and Friday from 9 to 12,30 am and from 3 to 6 pm. On Saturday and Sunday from 9 to 12.30 am. More info at turismo@comune.bra.cn.it
Info: Città di Bra – Ufficio cultura, turismo e manifestazioni
Tel. 0172.430185 – turismo@comune.bra.cn.it