Where to buy Bra sausage on Sunday
January - May 2019
Postato il 19 February 2019

January - May 2019
Postato il 19 February 2019
Famous Bra sausage, the only sausage produced with veal meat that received a royal license from the King Charles Albert of Savoy, is one of the most appreciated traditional products of Piedmont. Each Sunday morning, a Bra butcher shop is open, available for tourists that want to by it. Here below the calendar of January to May in turns openings.
Bra TownHall
Piazza Caduti della Liberta’, 20 Bra (CN)
Tel. 0172 430185
from monday to friday 9AM - 1PM
monday, tuesday e thursday 3PM -6PM
P.iva 03078370040